• Korea Forest Service

    Forest Carbon Registry

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    Application Method for Registration by User-Type

    Implementing Entity

    Project registration, submission of monitoring reports, and trading of certified Forest Carbon Uptake can be carried out through the Forest Carbon Registry. The registry will also send the entity an alert and notice indicating what needs to be done for the next step. The entity can efficiently implement project by registering.

    Forest Carbon Center

    The Forest Carbon Center overlooks the entire process of the Forest Carbon Offset Scheme including the Forest Carbon Registry from registration support, perform feasibility assessments, verification and certification requests, to certificate management. The center can also assist entities through the Forest Carbon Registry when they face problems while implementing projects.

    Verification Agency

    The Verification Agency prepares verification report after reviewing the monitoring reports through site visits, etc. In order to maintain the transparency of process, the agency shares a verification report with the implementing entity through the Forest Carbon Registry.

    Certification Agency

    The Certification Agency carries out screening, assessment, and evaluation of certification. Then, the agency report back to the Forest Carbon Center. In order to maintain the transparency of process, the agency shares a certification report with the implementing entity through the Forest Carbon Registry.


    Buyers can participate in social contribution activities by purchasing certified transaction type Forest Carbon Uptake. After purchasing Forest Carbon Uptake from the Forest Carbon Registry, a buyer can choose to terminate the uptake, in which case the buyer will be awarded with certificate for giving back to society.

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